My kitchen has finally returned to normal. No more lights, green screen or huge tripod for my phone. I finished filming The Rape of Europa, the last work in the ‘poesie’ series, last week and it’ll be posted on social media shortly. Ironically I did the whole of the last video straight through from start to finish on the third take which NEVER happens. I’d like to think that may be as a result of me honing my presenting skills over the last six weeks, but it was more likely just a bit of luck!
I was certainly digging deep for the gift of eloquence on Valentine’s Day. Thank goodness I’ve kissed the blarney stone, and it was a smacker I might add, I don’t do things by halves. But this had nothing to do with my love life, unless you count my passion for art. No, I am delighted to share the fact that my first ever participation in a podcast was recorded on 14 February and has now been launched into the world.
I was asked several weeks ago whether I’d be willing to participate in a piece about Memento Mori for the award winning ‘The Art of Dying Well’ podcast. Of course I was delighted to accept and added a note to do some research to my to-do list. Fast forward to the week of the 14th and I get a call to say that they’d like to record that Friday; cue a frantic revision of said to-do list and off I tottled to Ecclestone Square to chat to James Abbott armed with plenty of ideas and no real clue as to what the afternoon would bring.
I needn’t have worried. Despite electing to remove the belt from my dress in case I panicked and my breathing got erratic (I know, but you’d possibly do the same in a similar situation….or not?!), I knew everything was going to be fine when James remained good natured and utterly charming even after most of my notes ended up on the floor next to the belt, I had to pause proceedings to find a lip salve and a minute later was compelled to rootle in my handbag once again. On that second occasion the object of my desires was a pen and since I was unsuccessful, I briefly continued my search on what I can only assume was his desk in the neighbouring room before realising that my pen was, in fact, also on the floor with my belt and notes.
So, did I feel terribly grown up and important in this proper studio with an ‘on air’ light, big boom mics and earphones? Of course I did! What an experience, and what’s more once I settled down I absolutely loved it. We talked skulls and skeletons and vanitas paintings with allocated moments for paper shuffling and a couple of re-starts on various sections when my words came out in the wrong order. To be honest they may not have even been the right words at one point, but we’ll skim over that. I’m really rather proud of the end result, and can’t thank James enough for making me so welcome and for his wonderful final edit.
If you’d like to hear me talking about how the idea of Memento Mori, (which translates as ‘remember you must die’) permeates the world of art, there’s a link to the podcast on the home page.

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